Which is the easiest title to get in Destiny 2?

Despite being purely cosmetic in nature, a title in Destiny 2 is often used as a measure of a player's skill with respect to the game. Each and every activity has a title associated with it. To earn these, players must complete multiple objectives known as triumphs. After successfully completing all the triumphs, they can

Despite being purely cosmetic in nature, a title in Destiny 2 is often used as a measure of a player's skill with respect to the game. Each and every activity has a title associated with it. To earn these, players must complete multiple objectives known as triumphs. After successfully completing all the triumphs, they can collect the associated title.

While some titles are evergreen, others keep rotating with every season. Here's a quick rundown on the easiest title to get in Destiny 2 and how to get it.

Note: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.

How to get the Conqueror title in Destiny 2

The Conqueror is probably the easiest title to get in Destiny 2. To make it happen, you will have to complete four simple triumphs. These are as follows:

  • Lightbearer
  • Breaker of Champions
  • Conquerors Discipline
  • Total Conquest

To complete the Lightbearer triumph, you must achieve a score of 150,000. For the Breaker of Champions, you will be required to defeat 100 Champions. For Conqueror's Discipline, complete Nightfall Strikes with all five subclasses, and for Total Conquest, dish out six Nightfall Strikes.

However, doing the above on Hero or Legend difficulty won't work. To successfully unlock the triumphs and eventually the title, you must complete the above triumphs on Grandmaster Nightfalls.

With the right build, you can technically solo a Grandmaster Nightfall in Destiny 2. However, that does require a lot of skill, especially when it comes to activities like Lightblade and The Corrupted. However, with a major chunk of the community participating in these activities, you can easily reach the Companion App on your phone and look for a fire team.

Alternatively, you can use the local chat feature to look for those looking to run the same activities as you. It's not difficult to find players to do these Grandmaster Nightfalls with. Not only that, these triumphs mentioned above, aren't that grindy in nature, so you'll end up completing them in one sitting.

Considering these factors, it's not hard to determine that the Conqueror title is by far the easiest to get in Destiny 2. Since you need to unlock a title to reach Guardian Rank 8, gunning for this one is a wise idea.

If you love playing a lot of PvP, you could also try getting the Glorious title. That said, considering how the PvP game modes are currently infested with hackers, it's wise to go for PvE-oriented titles only.

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