Trophy Titans Cup Objective: FIFA 23 Trophy Titans Cup Objective

A new Trophy Titans Cup Objective set is active in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team, offering another great opportunity for players to get valuable in-game resources. You can now earn even more packs by simply playing the game. Such opportunities are always welcome because they give you valuable in-game packs. While you usually have to spend

A new Trophy Titans Cup Objective set is active in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team, offering another great opportunity for players to get valuable in-game resources. You can now earn even more packs by simply playing the game. Such opportunities are always welcome because they give you valuable in-game packs. While you usually have to spend coins for them, the free nature of the Trophy Titans Cup Objective set makes it even more lucrative.

The overall structure of the event isn’t very complex, to begin with, but it might not be very clear if you’re new to the game. The correct way to complete tonight’s objective set will be to go through the tasks that are part of it. You can also go through the rewards you earn by completing the full set.

The Trophy Titans Cup Objective set is perfect for beginner and veteran FIFA 23 players alike

The Trophy Titans Cup Objective setting consists of eight tasks. You can choose to complete them in any order of your choosing. However, the set rewards will only be available when you complete all the tasks within the stipulated time.

  • Play 1: Play a match in any FUT Game mode.
  • Play 4: Play four matches in the Live FUT Friendly: Trophy Titans Cup.
  • Play 8: Play eight matches in the Live FUT Friendly: Trophy Titans Cup.
  • Win 2: Win two matches in the Live FUT Friendly: Trophy Titans Cup.
  • Win 4: Win four matches in the Live FUT Friendly: Trophy Titans Cup.
  • Win 6: Win six matches in the Live FUT Friendly: Trophy Titans Cup.
  • Win 8: Win eight matches in the Live FUT Friendly: Trophy Titans Cup.
  • Win 10: Win 10 matches in the Live FUT Friendly: Trophy Titans Cup.

The Trophy Titans Cup Objective set is available until April 21, so you have time to complete the tasks. The first three tasks will be relatively easy as they don’t depend on the match result in FIFA 23. Make sure to finish the game to ensure that the results count.

You can obtain the following rewards by completing the Trophy Titans Cup Objective set in FIFA 23:

  • Season XP
  • 2 x 83+ Double Player Pack
  • 2 x Two 84+ Players Pack
  • Three 83+ Players Pack
  • Three 84+ Players Pack
  • Five 84+ Players Pack

There’s a bonus reward you can unlock by completing the full set. It features a Five 85+ Players Pack. You can open these packs now to get a possible chance of getting a Trophy Titans card. Alternatively, you can store them for the TOTS promo, which will be released shortly in FIFA 23.

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