The Vampire Diaries Will Say Its Final Goodbyes After Season 8

After 7 long years, the time to say goodbye to Mystic Falls and all the wonderful characters who weve grown to love has finally arrived, as season 8 will be the final season of The Vampire Diaries. This may not be a shock to some people as Ian Somerhalder and Kat Graham had spoke out

After 7 long years, the time to say goodbye to Mystic Falls and all the wonderful characters who we’ve grown to love has finally arrived, as season 8 will be the final season of The Vampire Diaries. This may not be a shock to some people as Ian Somerhalder and Kat Graham had spoke out about not returning to the show once season 8 had finished, but for the fans who are sad and heartbroken over the news, all good things come to an end eventually. The best thing to do is keep a place in your heart for the show and remember that there IS eight seasons that you can re-watch for the rest of your lives.

While on the Comic Con panel, the cast revealed a few hints as to what was going to be going on in the upcoming season regarding Damon and Enzo, how Bonnie is going to be after having her best friend and boyfriend are taken away from her etc. On the panel Michael Malarkey and Ian Somerhalder were asked, “We’ve seen humanity-less vampires, we’ve seen kind of a ripper version of vampires, but how does whatever we’re calling what’s happening to you two, how does that differ?” 

Michael: “There’s kind of mysterious elements of almost mind control going on, which we haven’t really come across before and that’s all we can really say on that department, but it’s really interesting how it’s playing out, I’m super stoked about this season.”

Ian: “The mind control thing is actually quite interesting because ultimately, you’re used to seeing Damon, or Enzo, or any of these characters exert that power on to someone else, and so when you see them ultimately in this realm where they literally have no control over their actions, yeah I will give this little hint, don’t slap me, but in their minds they’re still them so it’s that conflict and that struggle is what we all sort of look for and it’s truly a gem as an actor to play.”

Julie Plec has revealed a teeny tiny bit of news regarding the villain who has captured Damon and Enzo, “The villain has a finger so far. Other than that it’s a new take on villains for us and it’s definitely something that’s rooted back all the way in to certain ancient times and other than that, I’m gunna have to let you guys wait and see for yourself.”

Kat Graham was asked “How is Bonnie coping with losing both of them (Damon and Enzo) and her magic?”

Kat: “You know a lot of last season was about the development of the relationship that Bonnie had with Enzo and obviously Bonnie and Damon, and you see the crumbling in the season finale of her and she also doesn’t have her magic so the thing that made her feel like herself and also her best friends are not there, so you start the new season and you see that. It’s gunna be really exciting to see Bonnie’s journey this season and she’s literally at ground zero.”

After seeing Matt go through so much last season, keeping Mystic Falls safe and finding out he called his fiance after blaming Stefan for so long, Zach Roerig was then asked “Matt ended the season seemingly leaving town, what can you say about is he back, is he still hating vampires, where is he at?”

Zach: “As much as I love these people, I think Matt had to finally make the decision to let go of that love, so Matt’s off figuring out his life, finally, for the first time, so more power to Matt! It’s gunna be very exciting, I’m driving a rad truck, I don’t have a cop belt this time so I can sit in the seat comfortably. Driving in to the sunset baby.”

Clevver News asked Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder to give out a few words for their wonderful fans and here they are:

Paul: “You never know where life’s going to take you and I’m not an overly sensitive guy but I think this calls for it. I genuinely appreciate the love, the fact that everyone tuned in and fell in love with these characters and followed the story for so long, it’s changed the trajectory of my life, it’s changed who I was and shaped who I am, in a good way. So I’m eternally grateful.”

Ian: “My message is thank you for all the support and the love and just remember that the human element that goes beyond this show is that, as much as we love this show and we’re so grateful for you for keeping the show on the air, we are actually not our characters, we are human beings who have families and lives and hopes and dreams just like you do. So the best thing you can do as a viewer is to associate those characters and those scenes and those story lines with something that’s in your heart and not with us personally because in the golden age now of social media, people have a tendency to associate me with Damon and me and my personal life with Damon and it’s not true.

“So as we grow up and as we age and as we mature, just remember that there’s something beautiful about fandom but there’s also something beautiful about boundaries and knowing that there is a separation and so the best thing, I see it as a two parter, you get to love the character on television and you get to either like or dislike the person as a person, but we’re all good people on this cast and we’re doing the best we can so whatever that’s worth, whatever that means to you guys, I hope you take it with only coming from a place of compassion and teaching the younger viewers to just remember we are not our characters and thank you for the passion and the love. Now let’s find the compassion and the love.”

Ian, Paul and Zach gave us envisions of their own perfect ending for their characters and the series in general. Paul and Ian envision Damon and Stefan on a beach in the Caribbean and as the sun is rising they want to take off their daylight rings and no longer seize to exist. That envision is not acceptable guys! Zach Roerig has a slightly happier ending in mind for Matt but with a twist, “If I could envision a happy ending for Matt Donovan after seven years of not finding love, it would be that maybe he discovers his inner love, which is maybe the fact that he’s not into chicks.” So down for this!! For the ending we can also only hope for a few character returns, especially by Nina Dobrev, as the perfect ending would be Damon and Elena finally being reunited and living a happy ending. Nothing has been confirmed on Nina or anyone else who has left the show returning, we can only wait and see!

When Julie Plec was asked if she had pictured the show ending on the panel, that was the moment where the devastating news was revealed. “Yeah absolutely, the greatest honour you can have as a story teller in the business of television is to be able to make those decisions with your peers and with your friends and with your fellow storytellers, and we have all discussed it and we made the decision that this is it. And you guys are here for our last comic con because this is gunna be the final season of The Vampire Diaries. It’s bittersweet and emotional and we’re all gunna be crying in five minutes but we wanted to be the ones to tell you guys first because you’ve been with us on this run and it’s been a beautiful run and because we’re so grateful to you and the fans all around the world obviously. You guys stuck with us and you came out with us and you’ve been with us all along so we made you something and you guys are the ones who get to see it here first.”

“And now as we enter the eight and final year there’s just two things left to say, thank you and goodbye.”

How are you guys feeling about Vampire Diaries coming to an end? Tweet us over at @CelebMix!

