Madonna Instagrams a photo of her furry armpits: gross or no big deal?

Madonna is sort of going crazy on Instagram. Bedhead has talked about it before its like Madonna is totally down with the kidz (with their grillz and their twerkz) and shes only recently discovered the joys of allowing her narcissism to run wild and free on social media. So in addition to tongue-tastic bathroom


Madonna is sort of going crazy on Instagram. Bedhead has talked about it before – it’s like Madonna is totally down with the kidz (with their grillz and their twerkz) and she’s only recently discovered the joys of allowing her narcissism to run wild and free on social media. So in addition to tongue-tastic bathroom selfies, Madonna is now letting us see her hairy armpits. Note: In the original IG photo, you could see more of Madge’s boobs (she was just wearing a bra), so you can see the original boob/fur photo on her IG.

Thoughts on the fur? I know many will be like “ew, gross.” And I cannot defend Madonna’s decision to post this hairy armpit selfie on IG. But… that being said… I don’t shave my armpits every day. Do you? I get to it, like, maybe once a week, if that. I don’t really think about it that much because I never go sleeveless and it’s been cold as hell here for months and months. A little extra armpit fur keeps you warmer! But again, there’s a difference between quietly letting your fur flag fly and promoting your hairy pits on social media. But that’s not important. What’s important is that we’re talking about Madonna and that’s what she desperately wants. Lola, come and get your mama!

Also: you know how Madonna dressed up as the Khaleesi for Purim? Well, she didn’t just get a budget costume from the mall. Madonna contacted HBO and some HBO publicist checked with Emilia Clarke, and Madonna was allowed to “borrow” the real Khaleesi costume. For real.



Photos courtesy of Madonna’s IG.

