How to unlock all Hidden Teleport Waypoints in Sumeru Desert in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact version 3.1 released a gigantic desert area in Sumeru for players to explore. Aside from the vast sand sightings above ground, there are many untouched underground areas in this location that can be accessed by exploring the pyramids or completing quests.

Genshin Impact version 3.1 released a gigantic desert area in Sumeru for players to explore. Aside from the vast sand sightings above ground, there are many untouched underground areas in this location that can be accessed by exploring the pyramids or completing quests.

There are 26 teleport waypoints in the Sumeru desert region, excluding the one in Caravan Ribat. Travelers can unlock most waypoints on the first day by exploring, but certain waypoints are locked behind story quests in Genshin Impact.

All Teleport Waypoints in Sumeru Desert of Genshin Impact

All teleport waypoints in Sumeru Desert (Image via HoYoverse)

There are 26 teleport waypoints in Genshin Impact Sumeru Desert that players can unlock once they interact with them. Once Travelers complete the main quest called "Golden Dream," they can unlock 24 waypoints in the desert, including the underground area.

Achievement for unlocking all waypoints in Sumeru Desert (Image via HoYoverse)

The remaining two are locked behind another two quests called "Dual Evidence" and "Afratu's Dilemma." Once they unlock all teleport waypoints in the Sumeru Desert, they will gain an achievement called "Over Sandstorms and Mirages" and get 5 Primogems.

How to unlock hidden waypoint in Dual Evidence

The hidden waypoint in The Mausoleum of King Deshret (Image via HoYoverse)

Dual Evidence is the time-gated quest behind the Golden Dream quest. Once players complete the Golden Dream, they need to wait for the daily reset before going to the Statue of the Seven in Aaru Village to start Dual Evidence.

By starting this quest, they will gain more clearance from their Scarlet Sand Slate gadget and be able to explore the underground area of the desert further. Genshin Impact players can access this one hidden teleport waypoint by following the quest navigation.

How to unlock hidden waypoint in Afratu's Dilemma

The hidden waypoint behind Afratu's Dilemma quest (Image via HoYoverse)

This hidden waypoint is not visible on Genshin Impact's in-game map unless players start Afratu's Dilemma quest in the Valley of Dahri. Unlike Dual Evidence, players don't have any pre-requisite tasks and can interact with the Akademiya Researcher to start the quest.

During the quest, they will uncover a hidden path blocked by a giant rock that can only be destroyed by a Ruin Golem's laser beam near the area. Keep in mind that this route is inaccessible for Travelers who did not start Afratu's Dilemma quest.

By following the quest navigation to enter the robot, they will pass through a big underground cave. Use the various Four-Leaf Clovers in the area to quickly navigate inside the cave and destroy Suda's Flow that was blocking the way to reach this specific hidden waypoint. Interact with the teleport waypoint to activate it and use it whenever players want.

Unlocking all the waypoints in Genshin Impact is recommended for future exploration or when farming for materials. While it may take some time to complete the required quests, it is worth the time, as teleport waypoints make everything easier when exploring the game.

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