Genshin Impact Dirge of Bilqis quest guide

Genshin Impact's latest 3.4 update has brought back many quests for players to complete. The Dirge of Bilqis is one of the most important quests, as it provides access to numerous parts of the Desert of Hadramaveth.

Genshin Impact's latest 3.4 update has brought back many quests for players to complete. The Dirge of Bilqis is one of the most important quests, as it provides access to numerous parts of the Desert of Hadramaveth.

The World Quest has a pretty linear story, but players will encounter many puzzles to solve to progress further. In the fourth part of the quest series, Dune-Entombed Fecundity: Part II, one will have to solve an annoying puzzle to activate the machine's energy system.

Nothing is worse than getting stuck solving a puzzle and spending tons of time figuring it out. This article will guide players to solve the puzzle and activate the energy system in the Genshin Impact 3.4 update.

Genshin Impact: Guide to activating the Machine's energy system in Dirge of Bilqis quest

Ruin Golem in the new Sumer desert (Image via HoYoverse)

Genshin Impact has brought up a new World Quest series in their latest version 3.4 update called The Dirge of Bilqis. The new world questline, The Dirge of Bilqis, has several mini-quests such as:

  • Wisdom Has Built Her House, She Has Hewn Out Her Seven Pillars
  • The Temple Where Sand Flows Like Tears
  • Dune-Entombed Fecundity: Part I
  • Dune-Entombed Fecundity: Part II
  • Dune-Entombed Fecundity: Part III
  • The Eternal Dream, Ever Lush

During the entire questline, players will come across different types of puzzles. Solve these puzzles to move forward in the questline of Genshin Impact. During the Dune-Entombed Fecundity: Part II, players must enter a Ruin Golem near Dunes of Steel.

Enter the golem and activate the machine energy system (Image via HoYoverse)

Head to the marked location as suggested by World Quest and use the tunnels inside its arm to reach the machine's insides. Keep moving until a closed-door appears.

Search around the area to find three energy sources. Fill the slots in front of the door with the three energy sources and proceed to the next room when it opens.

Search nearby rooms for additional energy sources (Image via HoYoverse)

After the cutscene, players will get a new objective to activate the machine's energy system. They should already be able to find an energy source near them. Pick a source and look for a door that can be opened using one. Open the door and pick an additional energy source inside the room. Don't forget to draw energy from the door slot.

With two energy sources in hand, look for another door with a slot requiring that exact amount to obtain another energy source. Draw those two sources from the slot after picking up one inside the room. At this point, Genshin Impact players must already have three energy sources.

Each energy source has its own dedicated generator (Image via HoYoverse)

Now is the time to place the energy source in their respective generators. To find them, go through the center and down to the lower ground. The machine's energy system will return online as soon as the energy sources are placed on the right generators in Genshin Impact.

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