AEW Collision Results Coverage, Reactions & Highlights For December 23, 2023

Its Saturday night, and you know what that means! AEW Collision will go down tonight, andRingside Newshas got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the December 23, 2023 episode.

It’s Saturday night, and you know what that means! AEW Collision will go down tonight, and Ringside News has got you covered with live play-by-play results coverage for the December 23, 2023 episode.

The start time for AEW Collision is 8:00 PM EST. Match-by-match highlights and results from the show will take place on this very page. Feel free to leave any reactions in the comment section below.

AEW Collision Lineup (12/23/2023):

  • AEW World Trios Championship: The Acclaimed (c) vs. Top Flight & Action Andretti
  • We’ll hear from Christian Cage
  • Brian Cage vs. Keith Lee
  • Julia Hart & Skye Blue vs. Thunder Rosa & Abadon
  • Continental Classic Blue League: Brody King vs. Daniel Garcia
  • Continental Classic Blue League: Andrade El Idolo vs. Eddie Kingston
  • Continental Classic Blue League: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Bryan Danielson

AEW Collision Results (12/23/2023):

Continental Classic Blue League: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Bryan Danielson

Bryan Danielson’s music plays and he comes down to the ring. Claudio Castagnoli’s theme song plays and he walks down to the ring.

The match starts and Claudio knocks down Bryan. Bryan recovers and stomps the legs. He kicks him in the back of the head. Claudio comes back with an uppercut. Claudio attacks him in the corner and hits a bodyslam. Claudio with an elbow drop. Cover! 1…..2….kick out.

Claudio drives Brayn into the corner and pokes his eye. He then hits a clothesline. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Claudio hits him with another clothesline. Claudio goes for the swing but Bryan reverses into the Lebel lock and Claudio escapes from the ring. Bryan with a baseball dropkick. He then hits Claudio with a jumping knee. Bryan sends Claudio into the steps.

Bryan with multiple strikes on Claudio and sends him into the ring. He goes for a dive but Claudio catches him with an uppercut. Claudio with an uppercut to Bryan. Bryan recovers and sends him to the turnbuckle. He hits him with a dropkick. Claudio comes back with the giant swing. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. Claudio sends Bryan out of the ring.

*Commercial break*

Bryan sets up Claudio on the top rope and hits a back suplex. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. Bryan plants Claudio and locks in the Lebell lock but Claudio gets to the rope. Bryan hits Claudio in the corner. He sets up Claudio in the top rope and goes for an hurricanrana but he blocks it and hits a superplex. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

Claudio goes for the Riccola bomb but Bryan prevents it. Claudio instead hits the neutralizer. Cover! 1…..2….kick out. Bryan comes back and hits the Busaiku knee. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Bryan stomps Claudio multiple times. Claudio reverses and stomps Bryan multiple times. Both men exchange kicks. Claudio locks in the sharpshooter. Claudio with a knee and a uppercut and time runs out.

Winner: Time Limit Draw

*Commercial break*

AEW World Trios Championship: The Acclaimed (c) vs. Top Flight & Action Andretti

Top Flight’s music plays and they come out with Action Andretti. The Acclaimed’s music plays and they walk to the ring.

The match starts and Caster takes down Darrius. Bowens tags in and hits a neckbreaker on Darius. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Action tags in and hits a dropkick on Bowens. Bowens comes back with a swinging neckbreaker. He then superkicks him. Cover! 1….2….Darius makes the save. Dante comes in and dropkicks Caster. Billy Gunn sends him out of the ring. Gunn tags in and knocks down Dante. Gunn with a spinning sideslam.

*Commercial break*

Gunn goes for a splash in the corner and misses. Dante and Caster tag in. Dante kicks Caster and hits a crossbody. Darius tags in and hits a fat liner. Action tags in and hits a standing shooting star. Billy sends Dante to the apron. He plants Action and slams Darius.

Billy with a bodyslam on Darius. Top Flight come back and take out Acclaimed. Gunn is sent to the outside. Top Flight dive onto Bowens and Gunn. Action hits the 450 splash on Caster. Cover! 1….2…kick out. He goes for a shooting star and misses. Caster rolls him up for the win.

Winner: The Acclaimed (c)

A video of Hook plays where he says he will fight for the FTW Title next week at World’s End.

Brian Cage vs. Keith Lee

Brian Cage’s music plays and he comes out with Prince Nana. Keith Lee’s music hits and he walks to the ring.

The match starts and Cage hits a tiaras. Lee comes back with an hurricanrana. Lee goes for a splash in the corner and misses. Cage with a basement dropkick and a spin kick. Cage with a tornado DDT.

*Commercial break*

Lee attacks Cage in the corner. Lee throws Cage over his head. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Cage trips Lee and hits a tiger feint kick. Lee climbs the top rope but is stopped. Cage hits a superplex. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Cage with a superkick and he follows it with an F-5. Cover! 1….2…kick out. Prince Nana gets a cinder block and Cage places it in the ring. Lee comes back with a chop and hit plants him for the win.

Winner: Keith Lee

Lee gets on the mic and says almost a year ago someone took him out for two months with the cinder block. He says he has been trying to send a message but he has heard him. He says he will send his message on Dynamite.

Renee interviews Toni Storm who pretends she doesn’t know Mariah May. Mariah says she got her American license and asks if Storm has any advice. Storm says she wasn’t listening. Storm says she can put on weight for her match against Riho.

Christian Cage’s music hits and he walks to the ring with Nick Wayne. Cage gets on the mic and asks the crowd to shut up. He says the business at hand is what happened a couple of weeks ago when Wayne’s mom attacked Adam Copeland. He say she can explain why she did what she did herself and he introduces Shayna Wayne. Shayna Wayne comes down to the ring.

Cage offers her the mic. Shayna is surprised the crowd is booing her. She says Nick Wayne is her son and she sat in the ring and watched Copeland smash a steel chair into his head and that’s why she did what she did to protect her son. Shayna something has been made clear to her is that Cage loves and cares for her son as much as she does.

Cage says Shayna realizes that Copeland is a despicable human being. He says Shayna worked as a waitress to support her son’s dream. Cage says Copeland tried to take that dream away. Cage says Copeland also had a similar upbringing. He says Copeland has anger issues and it cost him big time in Montreal. Cage it was a big night for him. Cage says he accepts his invitation for a fight but Copeland is no challenge. He says he is levels above Copeland and at World’s End he is going to put Copeland down for the last time.

Lexy interviews Ricky Starks and Big Bill. Bill says Omega’s disease sounds made up. He says Omega is afraid to face them. Starks says Omega doesn’t have the guts to face him and they forfeit their match against them. Chris Jericho interrupts and says they are not forfeiting anything. He says he has a contract for a match against them and he is going to take the title away from them.

Continental Classic Blue League: Brody King vs. Daniel Garcia

Brody King’s theme song plays and he walks to the ring. Daniel Garcia’s music plays and he comes out to the ring.

The match begins and Garcia slaps Brody. Brody kicks him and attacks him in the corner. Brody with a cannonball in the corner. King attacks him in the corner. Garcia rolls to the apron and King knocks him down. King with a chop on Garcia.

*Commercial break*

Brody slams Garcia and hits a senton. Cover! 1…..2…kick out. Brody knocks down Garcia. Brody chops Garcia. Garcia returns with multiple chops but it has no effect. Garcia with the back suplex. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Brody comes back with a Death Valley driver and follows it with a lariat. Cover! 1….2…kick out. Brody plants Garcia. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. Garcia rolls up Brody for the win.

Winner: Daniel Garcia

The lights go out and come on with the House of Black holding onto Garcia. Daddy Magic enters the ring and Buddy attacks him. FTR’s music plays and they come out to the ring as House of Black leave the ring. Dax gets on the mic and says they want a match against House of Black.

*Commercial break*

Julia Hart & Skye Blue vs. Thunder Rosa & Abadon

Skye Blue’s music plays and she comes out. Julia Hart’s theme song plays and she walks to the ring. Abadon’s music hits and she walks to the ring. Thunder Rosa’s theme song plays and she comes out to the ring.

The match begins and Skye attacks Abadon from behind. Julia tags in and attacks Abadon in the corner. Julia goes for a crossbody but Abadon catches her and slams her. Abadon with the running knee. Skye knocks Rosa off the apron. Julia attacks Abadon from behind.

*Commercial break*

Abadon takes out Skye and Julia. Thunder Rosa tags in and knocks down Julia and Skye. She attacks Julia in the corner. She attacks Skye in the corner. She hits a running dropkick on Skye and follows it with a northern lights suplex. Julia sends Thunder out of the ring. Abadon knocks down Julia and Skye superkicks Abadon.

Skye superkicks Rosa. Julia climbs the top rope but is stopped by Abadon. Rosa hits the Tihuana bomb on Skye Blue for the win.

Winner: Abadon & Thunder Rosa

*Commercial break*

Continental Classic Blue League: Andrade El Idolo vs. Eddie Kingston

Eddie Kingston’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Andrade El Idolo’s theme song plays and he walks to the ring.

The match starts and Andrade attacks Eddie in the corner. He hits a crossbody. Cover! 1….2…kick out. Eddie Kingston hits Andrade with a clothesline.

*Commercial break*

Andrade with the meteora in the corner. Cover! 1….2…..kick out. Andrade hits the three amigos on Kingston. Cover! 1……2….kick out. Andrade goes for a dive but is caught by Kingston.

Kingston chops Andrade in the corner. Kingston with an exploder suplex. Andrade sends Kingston out of the ring. He hits a moonsault on Kingston. He sends Kingston into the ring and hits a double moonsault. Andrade goes for a hammerlock DDT but Kingston drives him into the corner and hits a back suplex. Cover! 1….2….kick out.

Andrade with a back elbow to Kingston. Cover! 1…..2…..kick out. Andrade locks in the figure four but Kingston gets to the ropes. Andrade hits a backfist and a brainbuster for the win.

Winner: Eddie Kingston

This ends our live coverage of AEW Collision!

December 23, 2023 7:46 pm

