10 Female Celebrities Who Always Go For Bad Boys

They say that nice guys finish last, and sometimes its true. Other time it is not. In my house, nice guys finish first. We like to make sure that we teach our kids that being kind and nice is always preferable to being a bad boy or a rebel, and thats how we roll. But


They say that nice guys finish last, and sometimes it’s true. Other time it is not. In my house, nice guys finish first. We like to make sure that we teach our kids that being kind and nice is always preferable to being a ‘bad’ boy or a rebel, and that’s how we roll. But there is something about a bad boy, and even I can admit that. I’d never date one in real life; I prefer my very nice guy husband and I have for the past 14 years. But even I love a bad boy character in a book or on a television show. There is just something so appealing about his confidence and his attitude, his sexy appeal and just about everything else. Perhaps that’s what these bad-boy obsessed celebs look for, too, when they date bad boy after bad boy.



She never dated publicly, keeping her personal life very personal throughout her entire career. So fans were very surprised when she up and married Jay-Z in a very private ceremony all of a sudden. They’ve been married years now, and they have a daughter together. But it seems that he’s the quintessential bad boy, growing up a drug dealer on the streets of New York and turning into quite the ladies man as he grew up and became famous. She definitely likes her boys a little bit on the bad side.



She dated Chris Brown, and he might be the baddest of them all considering his abusive nature and all that. But we don’t care; she broke up with him and that’s all that matters. But she always goes for the bad boys and forgoes the nice guys that she should probably spend a bit more time with. That’s her prerogative, but we hope she doesn’t another Brown relapse.

Katy Perry

If ever there was a celebrity that loved a bad boy, it’s her. From Russell Brand to John Mayer, she’s not exactly known for her ability to make good dating decisions, and she does have a type. She likes them a bit inappropriate, a bit on the bad side and a little wild. It hasn’t worked out too well for her just yet, though, so she might want to do some thinking about what she wants in the future. This might not be the kind of man she really needs.

j lo

Jennifer Lopez

So not all of the men she dated are bad boys, but they all seem to look and act a bit alike. With the exception of Marc Anthony, who does not look like he could be a bad boy if he even tried, she seems to go for masculine men with big personalities and very manly ways. She went from Diddy to Ben Affleck to a few other masculine men, and it does not seem to have worked out for her in the long run.


Sienna Miller

She has a thing for bad boys, including the very bad Jude Law. He might be handsome, but he is a known philanderer, and she even took him back after he cheated on her with the nanny of his children. Of course, there were rumors that she was the ‘other’ woman for a while when they first began their relationship, so she had to know that things were not always looking up for the two of them. Remember – if he cheats with you, he will cheat on you.


Whitney Houston

We can all agree that the beautiful, lovely and exceptionally talented late Whitney Houston was attracted to bad boys. Just look at the tumultuous relationship she had with Bobby Brown. The two of them were quite the pair, and they had more of their lives in the news thanks to his bad behavior than either of them would probably care to admit. Their relationship was a kind of scary one, and that’s just how they managed to get through life.


Wendy Williams

She opened up about her husband, telling her family that she was afraid to even introduce them to him because he has such a thuggish appearance. She’s said in the past that she loves a bad boy, even admitting to having a crush on the child star that grew up to get into fights and brawls and act like a lunatic, Shia LeBouf. She loves a bad boy, and she knows that she loves a bad boy. That’s probably what is the most interesting thing about this particular star.


Chelsy Davy

She’s known as the very wealthy socialite that goes back and forth to Prince Harry, who is known as a bit of a bad boy. He likes to do things his way, he gets into a spot of trouble now and again and you can always count on him to say something that will make you laugh. That’s what people love the most about him, though, and it works for him. We’d call him mischievous more so than bad, but that’s what his reputation entails.

Kate Moss

Kate Moss

She had a long time on again off again relationship with Pete Doherty, and it’s just one of the things that reminds us she likes a bad boy. She’s moved on from him, of course, and now she is happily married. Of course, the two of them still party hard and have a good time, and she does the same with her new husband. He knows she likes a bad boy, and that’s how they like to roll.


Anne Hathaway

She didn’t always love a bad boy – well, she did, and then she changed. Her very Italian love prior to her marriage to her much nicer husband was not a good one for her. Rafaello Follieri had some money troubles when he was accused of doing some inappropriate things, and he also had a thing for the ladies, particularly those he was not dating at the time. She dumped him when he got himself into trouble, and now she’s happily married to a much nicer man.

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